Thursday, May 19, 2016

Six Things A Great E-Commerce Website Must Have

Outlining the necessary elements of the situation, using high-level SSL security to beget clear it’s sterling, designing balanced packaging and effective navigation, building in creativity to add pizzazz for the client, and making definite it’s easy to gain changes on the location once it’s been built.


For web designers, building a obedient e-commerce website; making plenty of complex decisions. Clients tend it all, especially on the front ruin, to drive the arrangement shoppers to their spot. However, a complicated process doesn’t have to be difficult. Like any complex task, creating an e-commerce website can be broken down into parts and pieces, all of which are interrelated. In this case, the to-do list includes six different elements:


1. Easy Changes

One of the most neglected aspects of e-commerce website design is the ability to make changes once the site has been put together. It should be easy to make alterations using an external cascading stylesheet (CSS) rather than having to make change on a page-by-page basis. Similarly, if JavaScript is being used, all of the programming elements should be in one folder, with each page referenced to that folder, rather than placing the code directly on the page.


2. Strong Security

Once the basic elements of the site have been defined, it’s time to make sure the security is tight. The focus of this effort should be on incorporating strong Secure Socket Layer (SSL) authentication, which is essential for encrypting data and authenticating transactions. Companies like VeriSign, Thawte, and GeoTrust offer the best SSL certificates, especially SSL certificates for bigger companies that can afford the extra insured protection.


The security system should include live verification of online and credit card addresses, along with strong passwords and a system that provides alerts for suspicious activity. The system should also have a firewall and be set up in hierarchical layers, incorporating contact forms, login boxes, search queries and tracking numbers for all orders. You can easily compare the best SSL certificates from Thawte for your website and decide which provides enough security and coverage for your needs.


3. Creativity

Having a website built around effective columns and grids is all well and good, especially if the content is organized and easy to access. But without a creative element to augment the package, the website becomes the online equivalent of a blocky, generic building, i.e., a warehouse. Using splashy colors and different shapes helps drive traffic to the site, along with attractive layout and different fonts where appropriate. All of these creative elements must attract users and keep them there long enough to shop and purchase. The designer must have the talent to do this, along with the ability to coordinate with site owners to make sure the creative flourishes fit the tone and the specific needs of the business.


4. Packaging

After the security decisions have been made, the packaging breakdown should occur. It’s important to separate content from presentation, and the content should be balanced between product descriptions, articles and product reviews where appropriate. Providing high-quality content should be the priority across the board, with rules and store policies included in a separate section.


5. Navigation

For a navigation system to work properly, both the website categories and navigation elements must be well organized and thought out in advance. Categories should be organized hierarchically in ways that match the thought process of shoppers, with larger categories having more items that lead to smaller, offshoot categories for consumers with more specialized needs. It should be easy to move from one category to another, and to access the shopping cart as well. Similarly, it should be simple to quickly go back and forth from one area to another with no delays or glitches.


6. The Basics

The first step in creating a well-designed e commerce website is to make sure all the necessary bases have been covered. That means pricing information, product descriptions, listings of product availability and product descriptions. To be fully functional, it must also have the ability to build wish lists and request in store pickup, make additional product recommendations, and include checkout for both guests and members. In addition, both the video and the images have to be eye-catching and effective, and load times should be fast enough to meet the needs of busy shoppers.

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